Ayano Ginoza--Facilitator
Margo Tamez--Notes
Trieu Nguyen
Dr. Ron Pond
Barbara Aston
Norma Joseph
David Warner
Guest: Jason Denison (undergraduate student), Daniel Castro Romero (Chief, Lipan Apache Band)
Barbara and Margo reviewed decisions made last week at the NIGC coordinating meeting and updated us about the finer details of NIGC's responsibility as a sponsoring Registered Student Organization for using the CUB.
- NIGC donated the use of the CUB to the Plateau Center/Native Research Expo as a offer to support the larger efforts towards sharing and community building among Native organizations on campus.
- NIGC sponsored the "Graduate Student Research: Returning the Gift" reception which will provide food and healthy beverages for Expo participants, and provide an opportunity for graduate students to discuss their work informally.
Ayano also emphasized:
- NIGC sponsored two $50.00 Excellence in Research Awards to Undergraduate Students
- NIGC members participating in the EXPO will judge the undergraduate entries and award the cash awards at the EXPO (time to be announced). Ayano and Margo vocalized to coordinate and volunteer.
- 24 Abstracts have been submitted
- She will accept abstracts up to Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 5:00 p.m. as a FINAL CUTOFF.
- New proposals which did not make the original deadline will be limited to table exhibits only. All other slots are taken for oral presentations.
- Poster entries are still open.
- There is a need to have graduate students present orally for the 10:00 a.m. slot.
1. Barbara is finishing up details of the schedule, and will send around the draft. (She did so this morning, 2/13/09).
2. Dr. Pond and Barbara discussed details of the music and dance performances.
3. Ayano asked Barbara to coordinate her outreach efforts (email) with American Studies, Ethnic Studies, and Women's Studies and to encourage professors to recruit students to attend and to submit their work up to the last minute.
4. Dr. Pond suggested that key native tribal leaders seeking higher education opportunities and professionalization also need emphasis in outreach efforts.
5. Daniel Castro Romero, Jr. suggested the outreach continue to NW tribes and Indian colleges to give them special motivations/incentives to access the EXPO and WSU, if budget is made possible.
6. Ayano requested an update from David Warner in regards to the "History of NIGC" poster that he volunteered to submit as an abstract proposal.
7. Encouragement and suggestions were given by all to Jason Denison, undergraduate student, who is interested in how to submit an abstract and mentoring about how to frame his ideas for a presentation.
8. Who will process paperwork for 50.00/cash for the undergraduate student awards? Volunteer requested asap.
9. Who will volunteer to help set-up and take-down NIGC materials at EXPO?
10. LAST CALL: All NIGC active and non-active members' research (papers, powerpoints, documentaries, journals, explorations, unfinished work...process work) are requested to be displayed, exhibited, etc. on the NIGC tables.
11. LAST CALL: 3 tables and 3 poster display areas have been requested by Margo for all interested NIGC presentations for EXPO. YOUR WORK CAN BE DISPLAYED!!...NEED DETAILS? JUST Contact Margo at: or
David volunteered to faciliate next meeting, Wednesday, Feb 18, 2009, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Native Student Center
Trieu volunteered to write notes and distribute to membership.